CA Name:R.BuSh_05
GB name:uScFaN11
Contact Info/AIM:Email is aim is UsCFaN693 cell phone is 352-484-7960
When/How often do you play(time of day also): I play everyday On weekdays i play from around 6:00 P.M. Til about 3:00 A.M On weekends I play almost allday literally Next weekend I have prom so I will not be on
Who you know in the clan (If any): Lucky and a Couple of others Cant think of them right now
Any other info: I am A veteran Socom Player I have been in Aftermath top squads clan I have been in TeamPlayers and most recently I was in C[aTa]clysm and we just disbanded I can snipe I can Rush I can camp I can do it all Whatever role I am needed to play I can do that and I put rounds over kills 1st I understand the importance of rounds since they are an essential part of wars.